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Monday 10 August 2020

Bird Mascot

Hand painted White dove acrylic paint on black canvas made | Etsy
Scientific Name: Columbidae
Why did I choose this bird? 
I chose this bird because it describes my shy and non-social personality. 

What is the Dove afraid of?
Doves are afraid of plastic birds, and large birds. 

Is a Dove smart?
Doves are pretty smart birds. They can learn quickly, retain information, and alter their behaviour. 

Has a Dove been a symbol or an icon?
Some symbols of the Dove are peace, love, and luck. 

What are a group of Doves called?
A group of Doves are called a dule. 

My mascot is the Dove; firstly, they are not very social and shy, secondly, they are afraid of plastic and large birds, and smart as they should be. Lastly, they have the symbol of peace, love, and luck.